Project Contractors/Project Client
Western Grater Contracting – Hazelwood Construction Services
Project Details
Widening McCallum Road to the north and installing two new signalized intersections at the entrances to Costco. Rock breaking oversize material using non-explosive GeoBreak Expanding Grout – Victoria, BC – February 2020, ongoing
Scope of the Project
- Clearing and stripping
- Rock blasting and removal
- Common excavation
- Installation of utilities (water, sanitary sewer and storm drain, including manholes,
headwalls and catch basins) - Construction of retaining walls (pre-shear Wall, cast in place wall, lower gravity
wall, rock mortar wall, concrete infill wall) - Asphalt paving
- Curb and gutter, concrete islands, sidewalks and handrails
- Pavement marking and signage
- Landscaping (tree and artificial turf) and irrigation installation
- Streetlight bases, signal bases, conduit and lane lights
- Coordination with utilities (BC Hydro, Fortis, Telus, and Shaw)
Traditional drilling and rock blasting has be used throughout the project to break rock and remove. GeoBreak Expanding Grout was used to rock break oversize using a non-explosive technique in close proximity to McCallum road. No blasting mats, vibrations or fly rock are produced when rock breaking using GeoBreak Expanding Grout which provided a non-blasting approach in the sensitive area. 1.5” hole size was used and 12” of spacing.

Which GeoBreak Products Were Recommended
GeoBreak Expanding Grout Type III was recommended. The contractor used 1.5” diameter hole and 12” spacing in between drilled holes using a Commando DC Series rock drill.
Expected Outcome
The expected outcome of using GeoBreak Expanding Grout was to crack and fracture the rock for an excavator to strip away the broken rock.
Actual Outcome
The rock was broken and cracked over the weekend to allow for the material to be excavated.
Final Thoughts From The Project Contractors
We have used GeoBreak Expanding Grout in the past with success in previous projects. We have used GeoBreak Expanding Grout in warmer temperatures with fast breaking time. After 24 hours in freezing